Wednesday, 8 July 2009

"In 350 yards, at the roundabout, turn left"

So.. Take That. Brilliant, wonderful and fab. G loved it and boogied away whilst randomly screaming because other people were. Lady GaGa as a support act was appalling, apparently she makes her own clothes, I wasn't surprised. Oh, and the roving cameraman had an obsession with her legs and treated us to long shots of them.. and her seeming lack of knickers. Delightful. G says that my wish that I had taken a book in with me shows that I am officially old. *sigh* Well, she'll catch her death of cold walking about like that. And was it really necessary to scream the words out?

Oh, and we also realised why K had been able to get us tickets. We were basically seated in space. Take That were ants to us. 4 rows from the top of Wembley.Photobucket
I spent the first 20 minutes we were there trying to tie the back of my shirt to the chair. I felt like we were about to recreate that scene in Titanic at any minute - you know, the one where the boat bobs and down in the water for a while and that one man sort of cartwheels to his death? Yeah, that scene.

So yes that. OH. And I forgot. We owe our presence at the concert to a very special someone. No, not K. It's time to meet the newest member of our family. And she is wonderful. Suzie SatNav. And her perfect directions, and endless patience when I ignore them and think I know best. K says he'll be taking her off me soon though. It's over the top to use her to direct me to the shops, which are all of 375yards away - I'd never have known the exact distance without Suzie. I love her. And the little button that says "home" so I can always find out house. I love her.

In Lal news... the oddity is becoming far worse. Now, he will only eat the heads, arms and body of Gingerbread Men. The floor is littered with abandoned legs. Seriously. It's like some sort of scary massacre around here. Amputeed limbs all over the place.

He is still insistant about his car theory. Did I mention this before? Probably around the time of the bus trip saga.. but it's moved forward from there. Now, no cars are allowed to stop ever. Even if they weren't moving before he saw them. It was a 10 minute screaming fit this morning as a British Gas van had the temerity to park across the road from us. You have to feel bad for K.. Lal loves to watch for him coming home from work, from the playroom window. As soon as K's car appears on the drive, Lal sinks into a puddle of depression.. "go car, go."

Umm, I was woken this morning to the pain of Lal's school bag being repeatedly smashed into my head and the "School.. NOW" sound coming from the boy.

I have some sort of obsession with Michael Jackson - even though I didn't much care about him when he was alive - and his memorial service had me sobbing uncontrollably. In front of K and G who remained entirely unmoved by the whole thing. I just keep picturing that little girl..

And finally, I am defrosting the freezer at the weekend, so we will be using up the frozen food this week. K and G had yorkshire pudding, mixed veg, spicy chicken and spring rolls for dinner tonight. I had frozen pizza that must have been in there for a year. It was only slightly cardboardy. Desert is ice chips.

K x

Friday, 3 July 2009

Just a great day!

I have the best husband in the world. Well, for today and tomorrow at least. After that, he can go back to being ordinary. And annoying. And irritating. And a pain in the butt.

He came home tonight.. with tickets.. for G and me to go to see Take That tomorrow. Of course, the only tickets he could get are not so good and we won't be able to see much, but I don't care. It is the best surprise present he could have got us. G is over the moon. I am slightly regretting telling her tonight, should have waited until tomorrow morning. So far she has: had a bath, used my super expensive chocolate face pack, washed, dried and straightened her hair, and spent three hours deciding what to wear. I may have to give her sleeping tablets tonight. Her first concert! And funnily enough, my first concert was a Take That one as well.

And then tonight, I got an email. A despatch email from a wonderful WAHM (work at home mum) who had so kindly (and beautifully) knitted up some wool that I bought (oh yeah.. I gave up on the me knitting thing. It turns out that I can knit perfectly well in straight lines, but when it comes to putting anything together and making the straight lines into clothes? Not so good.) Where was I? Oh yes.. Carley at BibsandBots made these for Lal. Gorgeously stunning shorts, crotcheted into bright turquoise goodness. They are stunning.
Click here for pics
I may have to mug the postman when he first starts his round tomorrow for them.

They come at the end of an era. These may be the last woolly items I get to buy. And the last nappy items. The ungrateful boy keeps using his potty. No matter how many times I hide it, lose it or store toys in it, he finds it and uses it for its intended purpose. People tell me I'm supposed to be proud. Hmph to that.. what about the nappies? Huh? Huh? Where was I again? Oh yes, the last woolly item.. but what a way to go out huh? Did I say gorgeous? And lovely? And stunning?

Right, must now go and prepare for tomorrow. Gary.. I'm coming..

K xx