A couple of things though. I have decided to try to lose my lifelong inability to do anything crafty.. and have attempted to knit. And purl. It took me 8 hours straight, but I managed this:
It's pretty pathetic so far.. but already, in my head, I have decided that I am now an expert and this warrants me buying ever more expensive wool (that will sit in a dark cupboard forever more after next week. And in a few months that cupboard will become a no go area in case it reminds me of wasted money) - Oh.. it's a semi scarf in case you couldn't tell. With a stripe. Just one mind.
And the second thing?.. Umm, oh yes. We made pancakes for lunch. G has asked that people (you know, the billions who read this *sigh*) guess what shapes she could see..
These pancakes amused her for hours. She is very disappointed that she only managed to eat 6. With whipped cream, sugar and lemon. 6.
K x
Now why, when I want to eat mine with onion gravy, do people think I'm weird?
Because that is just plain disgusting? :D
I want pancakes now!!
You need to get some circular needles and then all you have to do is knit ;-)
You can't start knitting ;o! you will put all those woolly wahms out of business. Why not send me some of your wool and I will make some thing for Lal ? ;D
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